Initial Brainstorming
-Trident Cafe on Pearl Street
-Atlas building
-Trident Cafe on Pearl Street
-Atlas building
-bringing awareness to overlooked space
-Revitalize ownership
-Bring attention to overlooked, or taken for granted space
-Willingness to interact
-Group interaction
Implementation ideas:
-Participatory mural
-something pink
-Heavy heavy heavy door
-Interaction between people and material, material expectations, people can pull from both sides
-Hanging forks
Implementation Concepts
Initially, we began to work with the idea of implementing the device in the main ATLAS stairwell. The installation was planned to span several floors and be accessible the entire length of the stairs. The blocks were envisioned as multicolored (perhaps RGB). The initial rendering placed the blocks with a hands width between them (maybe 6”). This was a very grand and venturous design, perhaps too grand.
After many group conversations and peer/instructor feedback, we decided to change many aspects of the design to increase practicality and functionality. We scaled back our ambitions to a small scale prototype, changed our color scheme to a simpler more powerful greyscale, and decided to implement this prototype into another space we identified as sharing many of the characteristics of the original. Landing on a 4-foot square section of the device we chose to install it in the second-floor lobby of the Visual Arts Complex. This space maintains the pass-through nature needed for the design while also challenging expectations of interaction in a gallery-like environment.
The 3 C’s
Passthrough space, busy, still depending on the time of day.
Corner of the building, large white wall space near the stairwell.
Cement, wood, metal
industrial look/feel
Bring awareness to overlooked spaces
VAC Lobby: Academic building of high traffic
The audience includes students, staff, and faculty that pass through the VAC Lobby - mainly those involved in art/media
Near stairwell and areas that see a heavy flow of traffic
Industrial, white, varying light depending on the time of day
Illicit play and good feelings/connotations to the space that was previously unnoticed and contains a work heavy/stressed mindset
Viewers leave with an appreciation for/and ownership of a space.
Giving new meaning to unused space
Animates a dynamic space
The Idea
Our audience is the students, staff, and faculty that pass through the VAC Lobby.
Community Art
Regenerate ownership
Anyone can leave their mark and change the art piece
Recontextualize a passthrough space
Intended to animate a static space into a dynamic one
Inspiration comes from:
Alphabet Blocks
Voxel Art
Daniel Rozin’s wood block mirror
The experience takes place in the VAC 2nd Floor Lobby Area, a passthrough space in the building at the intersection of the hallway to classrooms and the stairwell
Engagement would occur during their normal day to day activities, as they pass through a space
We transition through many spaces in our day to day lives without acknowledging many of them. This project aims to help generate a sense of ownership and understanding of these spaces. Participants can leave their mark easily, alternating block orientations as they please.
We will create a pixel wall that can be manipulated by the passing crowds. This will be a hanging structure made up of white paracord that suspends 2”x2”x2” painted cubes. Cubes will have one white side, one black side, and two grey sides